
If you are looking to startup a sunglass business make sure and check out this information here

cartier frame glasses If you are looking for Oakey sunglasses and find them for a deal like $10-$50 for a pair stay away from them they are usually fake. You will see many online companies selling these sunglasses as fake oakleys or replica oakleys this is the common name for them. Other people will sell you fake ones and pass them off as real this is not cool. cartier sunglasses If you find a website offering Oakley sunglasses for such a low price we suggest staying away from them. You can always contact Oakley directly and see if this dealer is valid. If you are unsure check with Oakley first.E-bay is a common place to buy and sell stuff and you will find many Oakley sunglasses here. ray ban sunglasses Oakley does a pretty good job at monitoring e-bay for fakes but from time to time a fake may get listed or sold without somebody catching this. So buyer beware make sure the person you are buying them from has all the paperwork on the Oakleys.You will also want to look at the sellers feedback this is a good way to tell if they have been selling for long. If you see a low rated feedback with only a few items sold stay away from them. If you see a dealer with a lot of feedback chances are they are trushworthy.After you receive your Oakley sunglasses take them to an authorized dealer to have them checked. ray ban wayfarer If they are not real let the dealer know who you bought them from so the person can be stopped.We suggest if you are in the market place to buy a pair of Oakley sunglasses buy them online from Oakley directly or from a local dealer this is the best way to make sure you are getting the authentic ones.Selling counterfeit Oakley's is illegal so never do this or even buy them. A lot of information related to the wholesale sunglass business. Information on different types of sunglasses including rhinestone styles, buckle styles, accessories, sunglass displays and much more. If you are looking to startup a sunglass business make sure and check out this information here. http://www.votaportuaire.cl/node/6959

